
About Supco

SUPCO developed the first electronic vacuum gauge in 1990. The VG60 removed the uncertainty of analog technology for the growing need to measure this key system characteristic. During the latter part of the decade, master distributor partnerships for product lines, such as Therm-o-disc components, bolstered SUPCO's position as a key supplier to the HVAC/R and Appliance wholesale distributors. As we entered a new millennium, continued strategic growth resulted in a need to expand existing facilities in NJ, and later, the establishment of manufacturing facilities abroad. Additional product development in hard starts and vacuum gauges were the catalyst for that growth. In 2007, SUPCO acquired Climate Technology Corporation (CTC), adding thermostats to a broadening product line. Another decade brings continued product line expansion through in-house development, master distributor relationships and acquisition. This strengthens our position as a leader in the HVAC, Refrigeration and Appliance industries. Proof of that is the acquisition of A-1 Components and Camstat in September of 2013.

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