This item for Hatco 02.08.114 is a warmer element designed for 208 volts with a power output of 1400 watts. This element is suitable for various warmer applications, providing efficient heating.
This warmer element runs on 208 volts.
It features a power output of 1400 watts.
Element measures one point five inches in diameter.
Product Highlights
This element can be used in new style warmers featuring a diameter of point two six zero. The length from the end of the element to the mounting bracket is fifty-five and one half inches. For replacing elements in older units, note that you may need to notch the end plates to accommodate the larger diameter.
Product Information
Standard Information
Product Notes: 208V 1400W, 60 warmer; new style .260 diameter; 55-1/2 from end of element to mounting bracket.