Product Description
This item for Vulcan Hart 115119-G1 is a thermostat with a dial. It is designed for use in applications requiring high current. The product includes a bulb measuring three-sixteenths inches by thirteen inches, a dial, and a bezel.
- Temperature range from one hundred degrees to five hundred fifty degrees
- Mounts with front ears
- Comes with pilot light, dial, and bezel included
Product Highlights
This thermostat is suitable for various cooking appliances such as ovens and broilers.
Product Information
Standard Information
Type: D1/D18
Bulb Size: 3/16 x 13 inches
Capacitance: 60
Technical Specifications
Temperature Range: 100-550 degrees
Part Number: 115119-G1
Dimensions: 13.75 x 4.25 x 3.5 inches
Weight: 1 pound
Uses: Bakers Pride Oven, Garland Oven Series, Vulcan Broiler, Grill Series