Hygrometer, Smart Probe Wireless Thermo, 0 to 100% Humidity Measuring Range, +/-3% RH (10 to 35% RH) (at +77 deg
F) / +/-3% RH (10 to 35% RH) (at +25 deg
C), +/-2% RH (35 to 65% RH) (at +77 deg
F) or +/-2% RH (35 to 65% RH) (at +25 deg
C), +/-3% RH (65 to 90% RH) (at +77 deg
F) / +/-3% RH (65 to 90% RH) (at +25 deg
C), +/-5% RH ( 10% RH or 90% RH) Humidity Measuring Accuracy, -4 to 140 deg
F Temperature Measuring Range, +/-1.4 deg
F Temperature Measuring Accuracy, 1 in WD, 10 in LG, 1 in HT