Product Description
The Spears Manufacturing 4147-015 is a cap fitting made of CPVC material. It has a nominal size of one and one-half inches and is designed for socket connections. This fitting is ideal for use in potable water applications. The product meets standards defined by ASTM D2846.
- Cap Fitting Type
- Nominal Size of 1-1/2 inches
- Pressure Rating of 100 PSI
Product Highlights
This product is suitable for high-temperature water systems and offers exceptional durability.
Product Information
Standard Information
Brand: Spears Manufacturing
Material: CPVC
Technical Specifications
Nominal Size: 1-1/2 inch
End Connection: Socket
Pressure Rating: 100 PSI
Temperature Rating: 180 Deg F
Material Specification: ASTM D2846
Thickness: 0.148 inch
Manufacturing Process: Injection Molded
Application: Potable Water