Product Description
The Legrand-Wiremold ALAC-5 is a raceway cover made of aluminum with a clear anodized finish. It features a nominal wall thickness of .078 inches. The product is packaged with eight lengths of five feet each, suitable for various applications in raceway systems. This raceway cover is compatible with the ALA3800 and ALA4800 Series raceways, making it versatile for electrical and low-voltage cabling installations.
- Made of aluminum with a clear anodized finish
- Nominal wall thickness of .078 inches
- Packed eight lengths of five feet per carton
Product Highlights
The ALAC-5 raceway cover is designed for ease of use and durability, providing a secure covering for raceway installations.
Product Information
Standard Information
Catalog Number: ALAC-5
Manufacturer: Legrand-Wiremold
Technical Specifications