AO Smith T104F1512 T104 Thermostatic Radiator Actuator, Automatic, High Capacity, 43 - 79 deg F, Casted Bronze Body, EPDM Seat, Nickel Plated, For Use With: V100, V2000 Model Thermostats, Includes: Sensor and Setpoint Dial
• Continually monitor and adjust room temperature for consistent comfort and relief from under heating and overheating
• Designed with the higher capacity normally required by north American heating systems
• Valve seat disc, which is made of ilient material (EPDM) , ensu tight shut-off on steam or hot water systems
• Nickel plated bronze casted body with working parts in cartridge insert for ease of service
• Controls include sensor, setpoint dial and valve actuator; components may be integral or connected by capillary tubes
• Require no electrical connections
• 1-19/32 Inch collar dia
• 6 ft 8 Inch capillary length
Standard/Approvals: ASHRAE 102-1989