This is an OEM Replacement Part manufactured and branded by All
Hatco Glo-Ray Infrared Food Warmer W/ On/Off Switch.
Pictured With Optional C-Leg (Not Included)
[ 120V 800W 1Ph ] [ 32-1/2 ] [Terminals {10 Wire
Leads } , [36 Overall Assy Length ]
Available Accessories
Adjustable Tubular Stand 10-14.
T-Leg Stand 10, 13-1/2, 16, 18. Pilot Light.
Adjustable Tubular Stand 10, 16.
Chain Suspension. Incandescent Lights.
Adjustable Angle Brackets.
Remote Infinite Control. Cord And Plug Set - 120V.
C-Leg Stand 10, 13-1/2. Remote Control Enclosure.
Breath Protection Shield.
Hatco: Grah-36 120V, Grah36 120V, Grah36-1, Grah36-120V, Grah36.120V, Htgrah-36 120V, Htgrah36 120V, Htgrah36-120V, Htgrah36.120V