This is an OEM Replacement Part manufactured and branded by All
Heating Element Kit, 208/240V, 3000/4000W
7-1/8 Long Overall, With (2) O-Rings
Hatco Food Rethermalizer Fr2-3, Fr2-3B, Fr2-4, Fr2-6,
Fr2-6B, Fr2-9, Fr2-9B
Hatco: 02-06-003F, 02-06-003F, 02-06-003F-00, 02.06.003F, 02.06.003F, 02.06.003F.00, 2-06-003F, 2.06.003F, Ht02-06-003F, Ht02.06.003F, Ht2-06-003F, Ht2.06.003F, Htr02-06-003F, Htr02-06-003F-00, Htr02-06-003F00, Htr02.06.003F, Htr02.06.003F.00, R02-06-003F, R02-06-003F-00, R02-06-003F00, R02.06.003F, R02.06.003F.00