Product Description
Aervoe 5049 is a Supreme Color Shield in a 15-ounce aerosol can. This product is designed for high performance and durability against environmental conditions.
- Fast drying in fifteen minutes.
- High gloss finish with full hide coverage.
- Resistant to cracking, chipping, and peeling.
Product Highlights
The Aervoe Supreme Color Shield is suitable for various applications like fencing and outdoor garden furniture. Its quick drying time and high gloss finish make it a reliable choice for professionals.
Product Information
Standard Information
Manufacturer: Aervoe Industries
Country Of Origin: US
Technical Specifications
Capacity: 15 ounces
Base Type: Resin
Color: Grey
Application Temperature Range: 60°F to 80°F
Dry Heat Resistance: Up to 300°F
VOC: 60% (Flat); < 65% (Non-Flat); < 80% (Metallic)
Odor/Scent: Ketone
Hazmat: Yes